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Safety, quality, training

Tmi Petro Julkunen provides

  • radiation protection expext (RPE) / qualified expert (QE) services in healthcare and industry in accordance with the Finnish Radiation Act and the Basic Safety Standards (European Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom),
  • quality assurance consultation and measurement services of medical devices,
  • clinical evaluation and reporting of medical devices in accordance with the EU Medical Device Regulation (2017/745), and
  • radiation protection training.



Utilization of a qualified radiation protection expert ensures thorough evaluation of current safety status and prospects of foreseeing adverse events, promotes general safety culture within companies and enables comprehensive consideration of regulatory requirements.
Quality assurance of medical devices enforces proper and intended device function, and enables anticipation and reaction to indications of faulty function, wear and device-induced misdiagnoses.
Clinical evaluation of medical devices entering market or modifying function or intended purpose ensures, by utilization of all available data, that proper function and benefits are to be gained, and that they outweigh any anticipated risks.
I have 19 years of experience as a medical physics expert, qualified expert and medical physicist, as a research leader and R&D in hospital, university and private sector environments, and in medical physics and radiation protection training.